Planetary Observatory of the Noosphere

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Inner transformation to sustainability as a deep leverage point: fostering new avenues for change through dialogue and reflection - Sustainability ScienceThis article provides a rationale for inner transformation as a key and hitherto underresearched dimension of sustainability transformations. Inner transformation relates to various aspects of human existence and interactions such as consciousness, mindsets, values, worldviews, beliefs, spirituality and human–nature connectedness. The article draws on Meadows’ leverage points approach, as places to intervene in a system, to reveal the relevance of inner transformation for system change towards sustainability. Based on insights from a series of dialogue and reflection workshops and a literature review, this article provides three important contributions to sustainability transformations research: first, it increases our conceptual understanding of inner transformation and its relevance for sustainability; second, it outlines concrete elements of the inner transformation-sustainability nexus in relation to leverage points; and third, it presents practical examples illustrating how to work with leverage points for supporting inner transformation. In sum, the paper develops a systematized and structured approach to understanding inner transformation, including the identification of deep, i.e., highly influential, leverage points. In addition, it critically discusses the often contentious and divergent perspectives on inner transformation and shows related practical challenges. Finally, current developments in inner transformation research as well as further research needs are identified.
Quantum Measurement, Consciousness, and the Soul: a New, Alternative Position - Activitas Nervosa SuperiorThis paper presents a new position on the fundamental questions about quantum measurement, consciousness, and soul, which contradicts at least one sacred assumption of every major player in today’s debates. It starts from a first person viewpoint, which may be characterized as Rational German existentialism, in the spirit of Goethe, Von Neumann, Heisenberg, and Raiffa. On that foundation, it rejects the obsolete concepts of primal ontology, supports the quest for a unified objective mathematical model of what underlies all of our experience, and concludes that we should simply not take a rigid position at this time on three possible types of “theory of everything” (1) the “multiverse” theory, according to which, we live in a “multiverse,” an infinite dimensional space like the proposals of Everett, Wheeler, and David Deutsch, or a similar infinite-dimensional realistic theory; (2) hard core Einsteinian theories, assuming a finite dimensional cosmos, which may well be salvageable mathematically in light of new work on quantum measurement, but which would require understanding ourselves as an odd sort of “shadows of Plato’s Cave”; (3) something much weirder, like random graphs, “digital universe” or cosmos as a vast neural network (of what telos?). It rejects the idea that quantum measurement has any connection to the emergent phenomena of consciousness or the soul. Further work building on this foundation rejects the classic formulation of noosphere from De Chardin and Vernadsky, but proposes that an entire species of noospheres permeating our cosmos is plausible under (1) and (2), and may in fact be the most plausible basis for explaining veridical weird experience for those of us who find it inescapable.